Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Latest Adventure

Not quite two years have passed since we returned from the world's greatest honeymoon and started our lives as married folks. We had hoped to start a family right away, but the universe was being stubborn and we were forced to become well-acquainted with the virtue of patience. More than a year after we pulled the proverbial goalie, the stars aligned and now we find ourselves facing parenthood in a mere 7 weeks. We're having a baby boy.

We plan to revive this blog to record our grand adventure into parenthood. The details thus far:
  • I am 33 weeks pregnant, due May 7. The baby is measuring exactly on schedule.
  • I was sick for the first trimester and a bit beyond. Makes me green around the gills just to remember it.
  • The second and third trimesters have been lots of fun -my appetite came back, I've been energetic and our prenatal testing has been reassuring. We've both been enjoying the pregnancy since around 16 weeks.
  • No, we don't have his name chosen yet. Yes, we have a list of names. No, we aren't sharing our choices. We love you anyway.
  • I miss wine.
  • Lloyd has thoughtfully gained some sympathy weight.
Coming up in the next few weeks: Two baby showers, a tour of our hospital's birthing suites, my mom is painting a mural in his room and we must install our infant seat. I suspect the infant seat installation will warrant its own post.